Saturday 16 July 2011

Making Decisions

How many times have you been let down? Maybe you went to an interview and got turned down for the job, maybe the girl/boy you liked said no when you asked them out? We all make decisions everyday of our lives whether good or bad. Most of us make bad decisions we allow ourselves to go through our lives without consciously making our decisions we don't even think we make them. In other worlds we make our surroundings make our decisions for us. For example we allow our surrounding to make us get upset, our job our family life and maybe even our friends and acquaintances. If we become upset with these things we have made a decision to tolerate them. Until you wake up one morning and (decide) enough is enough we make the decision to remain as we are. Most likely because that is as far as our comfort zone takes us.

Everything we decide to do in our lives has a bigger impact on our lives than most of us know. When we are lost we may come to a two way junction with an option to turn left or right. What ever way we decide to turn, that way is the way we choose to take in life. Ultimately either way we choose will change our lives in some way or another whether good or bad. The same is true for relationships and career opportunities etc.

So how do we make the right decisions? There is no way to be 100% positive if something is the right decision or the wrong decision but one tip is don't let yourself think too long and hard to make a decision just take the decision and then and I can't stress this hard enough TAKE ACTION. When we decide on something that we will do if we take action we have taking the biggest step most likely the most difficult step. Once we take action do not be afraid to change how you are making something work it's the result you care about, the end result is what we are after. Not how you will get there.

Every now and then you will make bad decisions everyone does but bad decisions are not bad decisions. Sounds stupid doesn't it? Well it's true because they teach us more in the long term than good decision can teach us. Why because bad decisions teach us what not to do again they teach us what to try or what not to try next time. So don't beat yourself up about taking a bad decision, instead make another decision and learn from your mistakes.

Decisions may be hard to make at 1st but the great new is making decisions is just like taking up weight lifting. What do I mean? When you start weight lifting you can't just jump straight in and lift an 80kg weight and if you do you will hurt yourself. You have to start small and exercise your muscles then weight lifting will become easier over time. Then and only then can we lift heavier weights. The same is true with decisions. You can start small and build yourself up, get yourself used to making decisions. But most importantly make sure you make decisions often. The more we make decisions the easier we will find making decisions.

So remember our decisions shape who and where we are in our lives. If you find yourself hating your life then it is about time to make better decisions start your road to recovery now and TAKE ACTION. I can't do it for you, you have to help yourself and I wish you good luck...

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