Tuesday 2 August 2011

Does Hypnosis work?

When I 1st started to study the art of positive thinking and being confident I have to admit at 1st I would not even consider Hypnosis I wouldn't bother even looking into the thought of it. I thought that it was just nonsense. I mean I've watched the stuff on television where they ask you to look into there eyes and suddenly you are under. I know a lot of people are the same and probably with good reason as well. There are people out there that could take advantage of this. But 99% of stuff we watch on television is garbage, you will not be hypnotized by a professional in this way. We are also hypnotized to do things everyday. I'm sure you've watched advertisements on the TV and Billboards?

Well if you have that's a form of Hypnotism. They used to play advertisements in the cinema to make us buy popcorn and sweets. It used to only play to our unconscious mind so we wouldn't notice it. Thankfully that is now deemed to be illegal and I hope there is no cinema left that is playing these advertisements. So if they can hypnotize us for a bad purpose then can't we be hypnotized for a good purpose?

Makes you wonder huh? Well that is what made me change my mind and buy my 1st book on Hypnotism. It's called "I can change your life in 7 days" By Paul McKenna. I have recently finished reading this book and as positive and confident that I knew and thought I were, there turns out there were stuff deep rooted from my childhood that were still holding me back. Only Hypnotism could've brought them to the surface and, yes I feel even better than I did before. As much knowledge that I have discovered over my 6 years of study I have never learned as much in all those years than I have in the past 7 days. The man is a genius.

So to my point, I have a great amount of knowledge but what I have now learned is that no one can teach us it all. Choose to learn confidence from more than 1 even more than 5 people and you are almost guaranteed to have learned more than those who don't. If you are skeptical about hypnotism just give it a try and if it doesn't work for you at least you have tried and won't have to wonder, what if??? I believe either way it will be the best decision you have ever made.    

Monday 1 August 2011

What are you worth?

What do you think you are worth both in terms of happiness and income? It's often what we think about ourselves that determine what other people think of us also. If you think that you don't deserve happiness then guess what you get? That's right a life of misery and underachievement. You need to change how you think of yourself before you can expect people to start respecting you.

The problem is how and where do we start to change how we think of ourselves. The problem here is how we think of ourselves was most likely what our teachers, parents and anyone we looked up to when we were young told us we were. If we were told we were useless when we were a child we will begin to believe that and carry it into our adulthood. So in order to change how we feel about our self we must start  by imagining a bigger and better you and keep imagining this until you can clearly hear yourself, see yourself and even smell yourself.

Now I know this may sound ridiculous but this is tremendously effective and it does produce results. Try it and I promise your thoughts of yourself will change for the good dramatically and you will feel a lot better about yourself and how much your worth inside. Go on have some fun with this and find out what the real you looks like, then you can become what you were designed to be.